

Anchored Defeat

Beige foam fading from the sea’s rich teal Strokes with pity the sun-burnt sand, Off-white ash pierced by the anchor of defeat, And stained by the wrecked stern bleeding, Crimson spreading rapidly across a shore’s murdered hope. Tired heels of a broken people Mark the ash, only to be forever erased By shaming waves. Helmets […]


Remained Undefined

Inhale as enduring a lie as the truth Collecting this ash on benevolent youth. Conformity molding the seal left behind Concealing potential remained undefined. This clay that had dried, intertwining their wrists Expands with the pressure enforced by her fists, Greying and aging by years unrepaired Ruins the only potential they shared. Veiled by the […]


Through the Window

Never had she gazed upon such a revolting shade of blazing white, Than that which she stares at through the window her mother had built. A tiny, practically minuscule frame, A glass opening into the frozen, wintry terrain That had become the only reality they share The chilling wind seeps through the fractures in the […]


Behind the Brush

Who will perceive my sins, enough to be forgiven? For what I do not do, For all I do not see, For none I all but feel; This throbbing only numbed by the burning liquor or bottle of aspirin Only adhered to when manifested by the hand, For a reason unburdened to the world that […]


Left (Dedicated to the Memory of Dana Li)

During this past week, a fellow student of mine, Dana Li, passed away. Her loss continues to pain the hearts of all members in our community. This poem was written in her name and spirit, and the lessons she had left behind for us to grasp. Tears, still for the vivacious life blooming ‘round my […]


Rest Dust

Under the burden of the wind she cowers Squinting through the red dust That circles her in a taunting suspicion. Crimson nothingness erecting the moon’s illusive tides In which each cold gust fate had blown. Wind, that tastes of the bitter turn of Autumn, That cries as she cries now. Bloodied fists Pounding against all […]


Encounter with the Prophet

Who am I, who strides the dirt with dollars on my heels? Who disregards reality society reveals? Deriving specious wisdom from the ignorance of night Amused by shameful mockery the media deems right Who am I, neglecting hands to aid my crooked spine? Assume constructive alms are placed to renovate what’s mine Who am I […]


Confession of the Insane

It’s funny how the mind works. At one moment, you could be completely and undoubtedly stable. And the next? Unstable. But I’m only using that word as a euphemism, a polite replacement to a word I’d never imagined my hands to scratch on paper. My “unstable” mind has been to Satan’s basement and bedroom and […]


Turning Point…

Deceitful white walls are now veering intent A spark to the readily drying cement With hair set aflame by the rage of revolt Each laugh adding men to insanity’s cult Grabbed by the threatening hand of their god Now sparked by their anger, once frozen and awed A god? Beg to differ, control has been […]


Another Moment

A moment behind’s now a mere broken truth A moment we shared in our curled, broken youth A leap from a girl striding six years behind Who favors a man spent embracing her mind This channel of love’s their conspicuous path A crime by the hand of fate’s prosperous wrath They stride on the edge, […]