Picture I Burned
Memories spark of a picture I burned
Relished of ash for the truth that I’ve learned
But what is truth? Can’t tell by those eyes
It’s hidden behind masks of effortless lies
For, emerging this thought set aflame by pure rage
Unlocks a preach taught inside life’s metal cage
Words are so fragile, so easily said
Yet sharp as a knife, leaving scars in your head
Your heart and your spirit take little to fool
Broken and tattered in one day at school
Words mask the hatred that runs through their minds
That’s hiding the pain only honesty finds
But honesty’s something that few can obtain
A soul that stood tall thought the winds and the rain
Experience teaches that hate’s to despise
Though hate is required through honesty’s eyes
It’s not hard to do if it happened to you
And you taught me that love’s a miracle, too
A miracle flipped in a blink of an eye
For life WILL hurt you, despite how hard you try
Thanks for the lessons you took time to teach
Tempting your love ‘fore my innocent reach
But your love was like candy sweet, absolute, sure
Till it’s forced down my throat isn’t sweet anymore
Let’s count all the promises, baby, you broke
Turning my love for you into a joke
Well thank you for stealing my innocent heart
Thousands of tears shed for you from the start
And now I watch the picture burn
Expressionless, numb, from the truth that I learn
The memory faded from present to not
To wait to remind me the lessons you taught